Geothermal energy (geo meaning earth and thermal meaning heat) is energy recovered from the heat of the earth’s interior. Geothermal heat can appear in the form of volcanoes, hot springs and geysers. The high temperatures in the earth’s interior are a result of heat trapped during the formation of the planet, as well as the decay of naturally occurring radioactive elements. Temperatures below the surface can reach 4,200° C, decreasing to 650 – 1200° at depths of 80 km-100 km. Through the deep circulation of groundwater and the intrusion of molten magma into the earth’s crust at depths of only 1 km – 5 km, the heat is brought closer to the earth’s surface. The molten rock then heats the surrounding groundwater, which is forced to the surface in certain areas in the form of steam or hot water (i.e. hot springs, geysers). The heat energy close to or at the earth’s surface can be utilized as a source of energy.
Using modern scientific and engineering techniques, geothermal systems may be sustained commercially for decades. Geothermal energy is classified as a renewable source of electricity. It is considered to be a clean, environmentally friendly, sustainable method of electrical power generation.
The heat source for geothermal energy comes primarily from large, magmatic systems deep in the earth’s crust. These are still partially molten or crystallized, but are hot igneous intrusions that yield their heat gradually over hundreds of thousands of years. As the earth cools over time, there is a constant movement of thermal energy that travels outward through highly permeable fracture zones to the surface.
The benefits of geothermal energy are far reaching. A geothermal power plant does not burn fuel, energy production is clean, and renewable. It is a base load source; therefore, geothermal plants are designed to run 24 hours a day, every day with no emissions.
Binary Cycle Geothermal Power Plants
In a binary cycle geothermal power plant hot water is produced to a steam piping and gathering system from wells drilled into the geothermal reservoir. The hot water flows to a heat exchanger called a vaporizer where it vaporizes a secondary working fluid causing the original hot water to become cool. All of the cooled water is then pumped to injection wells where it is injected to help recharge the geothermal reservoir. The vaporized working fluid passes through a turbine which drives an electrical generator that is tied into the electrical transmission grid. Upon discharging the turbine, the secondary working fluid is condensed before piping it back to the vaporizer where the process is repeated.
Our Geothermal Advantage
With the right partners in geothermal energy sector we exploring, designing, developing, building, owning and operating geothermal power plants around the world. We’re passionate about advancing geothermal technology, providing choice, flexibility and optimum, customized solutions. When it comes to earth’s energy, we excel in harnessing it.
With experience gained in many countries, and from working on dozens of different geothermal development scenarios, we empower clients with world-class, comprehensive understanding of how to maximize their geothermal resources and facilities.
From field analysis and resource delineation to optimized plant and equipment configurations, we offer the ultimate advantage – peace of mind – by providing options ranging from individual equipment and services up to comprehensive turnkey solutions – uniquely tailored to suit specific sites, geothermal resources and ambient conditions. We are capable of offering this range of services, thanks to our vertically integrated structure and intensive involvement across the geothermal industry’s value chain.
Our customers also benefit from our modular, flexible approach and experience applying different technologies – all designed for simple transportation, installation, operation and ongoing maintenance. The geothermal solutions are sustainable, virtually emissions-free and ensure that facilities blend into their natural surroundings. Furthermore, our geothermal plants are designed to harness the power and lifespan of their reservoirs – by re-injecting 100% of all geothermal fluids.

Customized Solutions
Every geothermal resource is unique in its composition, each with its own enthalpy, temperature, chemical composition and depth. We have the technical know-how to find the right balance for each geothermal resource and the power plant technology that will optimize its full potential. Our goal is to maximize the return on investment from the resource, by applying the best options from a variety of technologies, which include: Binary Geothermal Power Plants, Two-phased Binary Combined Cycle Units and Integrated Combined Cycle Units.